Mar 30, 2018
Classic HTP! Yes the sound is bad and we were just starting but I figured a few and would like to hear our humble beginnings.
JUNE 3, 2017 Episode 6 local tattoo artist Brandon Holcombe joins HTP to discuss unpopular opinions (Star Wars blows), merkins, George Jefferson dropping bombs, TOOL,…..and much more kids....
Mar 25, 2018
Comedian Cam Tiller stops to hang with HTP! He talks about not letting his speech disorder stop him from getting on stage.
Mar 21, 2018
This week we have on the very funny and talented comedian Eddie English aka Flipp. Eddie stops by to promote his comedy and new band The Who Knew. We also talk with Flipp about comedy, PTSD, and getting over a million hits on World Star.
GO check out Eddie’s Youtube page and subscribe!
Mar 15, 2018
Our guest this week is comedian Michael Colón! Michael stops by to promote A Rochester based humor blog with a tone similar to The Onion.